If only creation could understand lover beloved relationship of Eternal One n Jesus. Creation would go into a ecstatic swoon not wanting to ever come out. Human language can’t describe nor the mind understand such purity of love. Only pure souls are privileged to know this secret

If only creation could understand lover beloved relationship of Eternal One n Jesus. Creation would go into a ecstatic swoon not wanting to ever come out. Human language can’t describe nor the mind understand such purity of love. Only pure souls are privileged to know this secret

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At Mount Tabor Jesus knew he had v little time left to convey everything.The last supper was a meditation meeting of over 40 disciples including 6 women, Romans,Greeks,n Arabs.Most of whom left after Jesus’s departure.Then the bickering n differences began between Jews n non jews

At Mount Tabor Jesus knew he had v little time left to convey everything.The last supper was a meditation meeting of over 40 disciples including 6 women, Romans,Greeks,n Arabs.Most of whom left after Jesus’s departure.Then the bickering n differences began between Jews n non jews

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