What’s the legacy of the young when so many parents are on antidepressants,n other drugs? What does high divorce rate say?Do couples have maturity for a relationship,let alone having children? Must children always pay price for damaged parents? will matters improve?No not at all.

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What’s the legacy of the young when so many parents are on antidepressants,n other drugs? What does high divorce rate say?Do couples have maturity for a relationship,let alone having children? Must children always pay price for damaged parents? will matters improve?No not at all.

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Of all the revelations that were sent to mankind. The Qur’an is most near perfect scripture. There are verses in the Qur’an that can help towards spiritual development. Nothing to do with religion. It’s just a truth n a mercy from the ETERNAL ONE.

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Of all the revelations that were sent to mankind. The Qur’an is most near perfect scripture. There are verses in the Qur’an that can help towards spiritual development. Nothing to do with religion. It’s just a truth n a mercy from the ETERNAL ONE.

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The 5 love souls were created by the Eternal One with,in,n through LOVE. They’ve been sent to help not just humans on earth.But also to the vast creation in different Universes.If humans knew who the love souls were in different incarnations.They’d know how stupid their beliefs r

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The 5 love souls were created by the Eternal One with,in,n through LOVE. They’ve been sent to help not just humans on earth.But also to the vast creation in different Universes.If humans knew who the love souls were in different incarnations.They’d know how stupid their beliefs r

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Can’t you see how foolish religion n politics have become?Can’t you see the lunacy of repetitive rituals endlessly performed?Can’t you see the stupidity of clueless arrogant politicians repeating the same lies? Don’t you realise a great natural disaster is about to strike humans?

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Can’t you see how foolish religion n politics have become?Can’t you see the lunacy of repetitive rituals endlessly performed?Can’t you see the stupidity of clueless arrogant politicians repeating the same lies? Don’t you realise a great natural disaster is about to strike humans?

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If you can understand n accept incarnation the rest will follow.More n more Humans are embracing incarnations n young more so. These 5 souls have incarnated since timeless time.Jesus Muhammad Virgin Mary Pakal Krishna as prophets n sages.They’re known by many names,but same souls

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If you can understand n accept incarnation the rest will follow.More n more Humans are embracing incarnations n young more so. These 5 souls have incarnated since timeless time.Jesus Muhammad Virgin Mary Pakal Krishna as prophets n sages.They’re known by many names,but same souls

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